Friday, October 30, 2009

October Fun!

Ryan is big enough for the exer-saucer and he loves it! There are so many things to look at and grab. He gets cross-eyed when he concentrates on certain things. And he loves to grab the little toys and put them in his mouth. So cute!

I laid Ryan on our bed the other day to take Taylor to the bathroom. I came to get him a minute later and this is what I found. I love sleeping cute!! He looks so tiny on our bed.

Dustin and Taylor carved a pumpkin last weekend. Taylor loved it, although she was not fond of the pulp! The day was beautiful, so Ryan hung out on the porch in his bouncy seat and observed. We toasted the seeds...yummy!! That night, we lit the jack-o-lantern. Taylor thought it was so cool!

Helping Daddy carve

She touched one wet seed and this is the face she made! Hilarious!

Ryan enjoying the nice afternoon

All smiles!

We had trunk-or-treat at church on Sunday evening. Taylor is Cinderella and Ryan is a monkey...a chunky monkey, we like to say! They looked so cute! Taylor loves Halloween this year and all the candy we've already gotten. I love my precious trick-or-treaters.

chunky monkey

My cute little trick-or-treaters!

Hugging her Daddy's leg. She says he is her Prince Charming!!
Oh, so pretty!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

I had to take Taylor to the doctor Monday for her 3-year well check. Oh, about drama. The girl was freakin' out when they tried to take her weight and height. Agh!! We survived though. She weighs 33.5 lbs and is 37 1/2 inches. She's gone from 50% in height to 75% and from 65% in weight down to about 45%. So, she's taller and thinner. :-) She did have to get her Hep A vaccine and the flu mist in her nose. You would've thought they cut off her goodness! We went to play at Chrissy's afterwards and life was better, thanks to Gammy and Pa-Paw.

While in Lubbock, we stopped at the pumpkin patch for a few pictures. Taylor looks so hilarious holding Ryan! He's huge! I weighed him on my mom's scale and he's 17 lbs!!!! At 3 1/2 months! We're thinking he'll make a great noseguard someday. :-)

This is the pumpkin Taylor picked
Ryan's expression in this photo cracks me up!

Ryan thinks the pumpkins are funny

Happy Halloween

Ryan after a long day in Lubbock

Taylor after shots and a long day in Lubbock

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Taylor is 3

My baby is 3!!! Wow, I cannot believe it. I've been so emotional this week thinking about it...I get teary-eyed every time I tell someone she is 3. It has been a wonderful 3 years. God blessed us immensely with this wonderful little girl and our lives have been forever changed! Here are some fun facts about my very grown-up 3 year old...

1) Her favorite word right now is "Why?" She asks why to everything we tell her! So, the other day, Dustin started asking Taylor "why" questions. Here are some of my favorites...
-Why do we have toes? to paint our toenails
-Why do we sleep? so we won't be grouchy
-Why do we have elbows? so our arms won't fall off

2) She will repeat anything you say. Recently, I have heard her say, "Holy guacamole" and "Where is the dad-gum phone?"

3) She LOVES to flip. She started tumbling this fall and now she flips everywhere. On the bed, off the couch, on the carpet, on the trampoline. And she's getting really good at it!

4) She loves to run! We go to the track or gym and have races. She grins the whole time! She's starting to compete with me on quickness...we may have a track star on our hands. :-)

5) She is very dramatic. For those of you around her much, you know what I mean! She talks with such expression! And freaks out over little things...the sun in her eyes or the wind blowing her hair. She's our little drama queen...where does she get that??

Saturday, October 10, 2009

3 Months

Things I love about Ryan at 3 months:

1) He is sleeping through the night.
2) He smiles and giggles all the time! He is a VERY happy baby.
3) He loves to hear the sound of his voice. The more excited he gets, the louder he yells!
4) He is very laid-back! I know this is common for second babies, but he's just so easy!! The only time he really fusses is in the car. He loves his bouncy seat, his swing, his bumbo and his crib.
5) He is a great eater! He's eating 6 oz these days!!
6) He loves tummy time! He can hold his head up so good, too!

Gosh, I can't remember if I blogged about this, but my big boy rolled over at 10 weeks!! He rolled from his tummy to his back. He is so strong...much more than Taylor at this age. She hated being on her tummy. :-)

Here's a few pics of our sweet boy. These first two are before church last Sunday. I love these cute overalls from Lynn and Diane.

These next two were taken before the cross country meet this morning. I had him all bundled up!!! He loved all the attention he got, especially from the girls!