Sunday, April 01, 2007

Happy Birthday Dustin!

Dustin's 26th Birthday is today! He's an April Fool's baby. I can't imagine what Sammy (Dustin's dad) thought when Diane said she was in labor on April Fool's...crazy!

The past 4 1/2 years of marriage have confirmed what I was pretty sure of...Dustin is an amazing man! He is so loving, kind and patient, and he is an awesome spiritual leader for our family. The last 5 months have amazed me even more getting to see him as a daddy. Taylor is one lucky girl!! Dustin, I don't know if you will read this, but mine and Taylor's lives are so richly blessed because of you and we love you!!!

Just so people aren't confused...this is Dustin and Britten last summer, it's not Taylor. I just love this picture!


Averi said...

Happy Birthday Dustin!!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Ally...I think he might be okay but I still need to keep my upper hand! HA! Happy Birthday Dustin!

Amy said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUSTIN!! Man, no one ever tells when it's their birthday. Now I feel like a jerk for not saying anything today!

melissa deaver said...

Happy Birthday Dustin!

Anonymous said...

You're the best April Fool's we've ever had! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful son-in-law! Happy bday

April Carrasco said...


The Steffens said...

You are lucky to have someone like Dustin! Even though I love to tease him, I am glad he is my brother in law, and I love him bunches!

Through the Eyes of Kenda said...

Happy Bday, Dustin! He is pretty lucky too ya know?

kristinbednarz said...

awww....Happy B-day, Dustin!

Ashley said...


I looked for you at church yesterday to tell you that you are a day closer to being my age.... :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Duddy!

Kelli Marchbanks said...

Hope you had a Happy one!

Robby and Lynsey said...

Happy Late Birthday, Dustin!!