Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Snow Much Fun!

Blogger is not working well for me, and I had a ton more pictures to upload! I'm behind!! We enjoyed the snow for about 10 minutes yesterday, before realizing it was WAY TOO COLD to be outside any longer than that! Ryan was happy for about the first 2 minutes, then screamed after that! Taylor and Cali did not want to come inside. Here's some fun pictures from the last 2 days...

Snow Angel (I zipped her coat after this...oops didn't realize it was unzipped!)
Proof that he was happy for a bit

LOVING the snow!

Not happy!!

Still not happy!

Taylor and Cali sliding


These 2 girls are so funny together!
They love each other!

Posing in his sunglasses


Anonymous said...

haha... love all of them..... ryan looks so chubby in the one of him in sunglasses. miss those little ones!
-aunt staci

Lindsay said...

haha...thought the same thing Staci about the one with him in his sunglasses. Dont mess with him!