Thursday, July 01, 2010

June 2010

The month of June was crazy for us!! We painted our new house and moved (just across the alley), I coached a Jr High girls summer league team, helped with VBS, we are still training for a half marathon, and of course, played with our kiddos.

We had the opportunity to move houses because Dustin is going to be the head girls coach next year. The living room in the new house is much bigger and the layout is better for our family, so we decided to move...AGAIN!!! We painted the entire house, new carpet was put in and we moved, all within a weeks time. It was a lot harder just moving across the alley, because I didn't really see a need to pack anything. We made countless trips to get it all done! This is Taylor's 4th house and she won't be 4 until Oct. I don't want to move again for a VERY long time!! I do LOVE our new house, though.

VBS was great this year. We actually finish tomorrow. Taylor really loved it and got into it this year. I did all the music and I've had a blast! It's really blessed me! I also coached a jr high girls basketball team. We played 2 nights a week. I enjoyed coaching and getting to know the girls! We are still running...I ran 10 miles last Saturday!!! It still seems kind of unreal to me! Only 6 1/2 more weeks until the race!

Ryan is changing rapidly! He finally got 2 teeth (on bottom) a couple weeks ago (at 11 1/2 months)!! He still only has 2 and they're not in all the way. He got his 1st hair cut (see below post). He's standing without holding on, but still not walking, although I think it will be soon. I'm sure not rushing it, though! He's babbling a lot more and talking some. He has developed a fascination with holding on to plastic spoons. On Tuesday, he held a spoon from breakfast until I put him to bed that night. He held it ALL DAY, with the exception of his naps. He even held it through bath time. It's the oddest thing!

So, here's June in pictures...

in their Tech outfits from Grandma and Grandpa

Gun's Up!!

Love the bloomers!

Ryan before bed one night.

Taylor before church...Grandpa and Grandma gave her this dress, also

Dustin after we painted until 2:30 a.m. He'd been painting since 8 that morning!

Ryan found the snack stash in our new house! He looks so innocent!

Taylor loves the mud!


Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures of the kiddos. Are you sure Dustin got any paint on the walls or just the WALL. I couldn't resist.
Love y'all
Pop Pop

Libby said...

Goodness, y'all have been busy, reading that wore me out:) The kids are getting so big!! They are just too precious, love the Tech outfits:)

Anonymous said...

💕I love the bloomers!
I am about to go crazy!! 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🤤🤤🤤🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🤪🤪