Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Weekly Topic

This weeks topic is 5 things I would like to do in my lifetime. This one was super hard for me. I had 1 obvious one (my number one) and that about summed it up. I had to dig deep and really think. With the exception of number 1, I would be totally contented if none of the others happened. It's nice, though, to have goals and dreams! So, here we go...

1 - Have a happy, Godly household. This includes having a great, long lasting marriage, raising my kids to know the Lord and instilling valuable lessons and qualities in them (I say them, hoping that we will have more kids someday). As said above, this is by far the most important thing I want to accomplish in my lifetime! None of the others matter if this one is not in place!!

2 - Be more organized. I like to be organized and have a schedule, I just never seem to fully get it! Having Taylor and now keeping kids in my house makes it even harder to get that done!! But I would like to be more organized so that I can accomplish more things, like working out consistently, cleaning house on a schedule (Averi, I sort of stole that from you, but I love the idea), scrapbooking more regularly, keeping a calendar, mailing b-day cards, etc. This always seems to be a New Year's resolution of mine and I'm yet to stick with it!

3 - I hope that my photography will eventually take off to where it is all I do, especially once our kids are all in school. This way, I'll be more available to go help in their classes and go to all their events.

4 - Save more! I want to get out of debt with the exception of our mortgage and put away in savings...for emergencies, college funds, kids cars, etc.

5 - Travel to lots of cool places. This one is a bit more selfish, but it's something I would like to do in my lifetime. I would love to see Italy and New York. I would also love to go somewhere tropical with Dustin. And of course, to go fun places with kids like Disney World! I love travelling and vacations. I hope our family can enjoy going neat places!


Anonymous said...

You are well on your way to that number one! It is definitely something we all need to work on day to day. I am so proud of both you and Dustin for this goal! As far as the organization and the debt --- well, don't ask me for advice on that one. Love you and see you soon!

Kerry Kern said...

Your goals are great and we all wish for your #1 and your right, that is ALL that matters..