Saturday, November 11, 2006

Snoozing with Daddy

There is no pillow quite so soft as a Father's strong shoulder.

-Richard L Evans


Anonymous said...


melissa deaver said...

So Sweet! :)

Averi said...

What sweet pictures!!

Amy said...

Precious!! It looks like Charlie and Taylor have the same happy place--asleep on daddy's chest!

Anonymous said...

Those are great pictures. You could get a lot of things accomplished if you could get both those babies to sleep like that more often. Ha!

Anonymous said...

Those are amazing ----and Staci is so right ---the light makes it perfect. Scrapbook page!!!

April Carrasco said...

Love these pictures!

Marta said...

what wonderful pictures! some of my favorites of Darby's babyhood are when she and Kyle are just conked out on the couch. great memories.... though I must say you're a much better photographer than me! ha!

Robby and Lynsey said...

absolutely beautiful! how sweet... :)

Ashley said...

HOW PRECIOUS! That is definitely something to frame!