So, I realize I haven't posted much lately. And I've gotten some emails from friends (thanks for your concern) to see how everything is going. So, here's the latest. (I alternate using "he" and "she" when referring to the baby b/c I just can't handle calling the baby "it."
We went to the doctor a week ago Monday and heard the heartbeat. Then, we got to have another sonogram. The doctor found the baby and holy cow...I saw the arms and legs moving! It was so cool. Then, the baby put his arms above her head in a "touchdown pose." So, I figure we've either got a cheerleader on our hands, or a show-boat football player. We should know in about 5 weeks!!
In other baby news...Last night, I was sitting in the rocking/glider chair with my feet propped up, eating ice cream for supper, and watching Law and Order, when suddenly I felt 3 little flutters. Now, I have mistaken this for gas in the past, but not last night. It was for sure the squirmy little baby inside! I think the baby must have his dad's and grandad's love for ice cream. I asked her to move again, but the little thing wouldn't cooperate. I guess he's a little stubborn, just like her mom!
Happy Thursday to everyone...almost the weekend!! :-)